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Slovan suffer second loss at home to Munich
Slovan host Munich in 3rd match for Group C (Photo: Timotej Steffek)
  • Despite good start, Slovan fall short 
  • Munich lead in shots on goal 22-17
  • Neither team able to capitalize on powerplays 
#63 Miroslav Preisinger (Slovan Bratislava), #93 Maximilian Kastner (Red Bull Munich)
(Photo: Jan-Phillip Burmann)
#70 Adam Lukošík (Slovan Bratislava), #8 Austin Ortega (Red Bull Munich)
(Photo: Jan-Phillip Burmann)
#49 Samuel Takáč (Slovan Bratislava), #42 Yasin Ehliz (Red Bull Munich)
(Photo: Jan-Phillip Burmann)
#87 Marcel Haščák (Slovan Bratislava), #70 Maximilian Daubner (Red Bull Munich)
(Photo: Jan-Phillip Burmann)
# 12 Ben Smith (Red Bull Munich) and #20 Jakub Minarik (Slovan Bratislava)
(Photo: Jan-Phillip Burmann)

With the opening period rolling, Slovan Bratislava look ready for redemption after their first loss as they take more shots than Red Bull Munich in the first moments on the ice.

Munich got their first penalty at 4:26, with Zachary Redmond called for hooking, giving Slovan an excellent moment to get one in the net, but to no avail. Munich would get the same chance to score when Slovan’s Daniil Fominykh was called for tripping. Again, no such luck.

But just shy of the end of the first period,  Zachary Redmond managed to get one in the net for Munich, with the assist by Austin Ortega and Jonathon Blum, giving them a 1:0 lead as they headed off the ice.

Minutes into the second period, Munich was itching to keep their momentum going and they took some nice shots, but Slovan’s goaltender Samuel Hlavaj remained steadfast with the save.

The equaliser would come from Adam Lukošík making this game a bit more thrilling as both teams got points on the board. Beyond this, the second period would prove rather uneventful, minus a few more powerplays which neither team were able to capitalize on.

Running into the third, Chris DeSousa of Munich would be the one to score next, giving the away team a 2:1 lead. Pushing their advantage further, Yasin Ehliz secured a comfortable 3:1 lead for Munich. 

With just under a minute left on the clock, Frederik Tiffels gifted Munich a 4:1 win. 

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